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ERADICATE...kills snails & slugs dead!
ERADICATE - 25kg Bags
Ideal for a large home garden, hobby farms and contained snail and pest problems.
Sufficient for 2-5ha in typical conditions.
Application rates vary depending on the level of infestation. A light infestation is considered to be 10-20 snails per square meter whereas a heavy infestation can be in excess of 1,000 snails per meter.
Price: $100 + gst RRP
ERADICATE - 500kg Bulka Bags
Suitable for medium / large farming and commercial application. Sufficient for 35-100ha in typical conditions.
Application rates vary depending on the level of infestation. A light infestation is considered to be 10-20 snails per square meter whereas a heavy infestation can be in excess of 1,000 snails per meter.
Price: $1735 + gst RRP
ERADICATE - 1000kg Bulka Bags
Ideal for larger farms, commercial applications and repeat use. Sufficient for 65-200ha in typical conditions.
Applaication rates vary depending on the level of infestation. A light infestation is considered to be 10-20 snails per square meter whereas a heavy infestation can be in excess of 1,000 snails per meter.
Price: $3310 + gst RRP